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Sounf strengthens the digestive process by activating the secretion of digestive juices and improving appetite, Fennel seeds contain a compound called anethole, which is a phytoestrogen that mimics the properties of the estrogen hormone and increases milk secretion in women. This is particularly helpful for lactating women. Processed & Packed Under Hygienic Environment, Transfer the contents into an airtight container and store in a cool and dry place.,Sourced fresh, direct from farms and packed in hygienic conditions, this special Indian spice comes packed with manifold health benefits.

We are the manufacturers and exporters of unadulterated and 100% pure, Agmark and FSSAI certified spices for household chores and it’s free from harmful chemicals and adulteration. It’s very safe to use as an immunity and health booster as it is of the highest quality. We have more than 150 years of experience in the field of spices.  Managed by the 5th generation of the family preserving Traditional processing methodology used to ensure natural oils are intact and embracing new technological advancements for perfect blend and high quality.  You procure directly from the manufacturer so no middle men and hence no extra cost involved.  

100% Pure & Natural Sounf 100gms

SKU: Sounfw100gplybg
₹80.00 Regular Price
₹52.00Sale Price
10 Grams
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  • This is a Vegetarian product.

    Our Saunf or fennel seeds are bursting with a light and sweet anise-like flavour. They are packed with nutrients and are used for seasoning food and in traditional medicines. In India, fennel seeds are a household essential that is also consumed as an after-meal digestive.Sourced from certified farms in Rajasthan and Gujarat our Organic Fennel seeds are a good source of copper, potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, Vitamin C, iron, selenium and magnesium. Saunf helps control blood pressure and flushes out toxins or excess fluids from the body.It also aids indigestion, constipation, IBS, and bloating. Fennel seeds have been used in Ayurveda to reduce all 3 Doshas i.e Kapha, Pitta and Vata.

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